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More business value with better technology vendor management

We get it, you are paying someone to take care of things but you're leaving business value on the table if you're not doing data-driven vendor management. Ensure the solution is safe, reliable and secure with Sigrid.

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Assess vendor feasibility


Our independent and objective approach gives you an unbiased view of your vendors

Are you facing long or frequent delays from your vendors? Do seemingly small requests end up with a huge bill? Are you really sure they comply with your open source libraries and security vulnerabilities policies?

Assess your vendors' software to find out the real reasons.

Whether it comes to Vendor Selection or Vendor Management, SIG will guide you in securing your business value and managing technology risks

IT Vendor Assessment

Know what you buy, measured by an independent institute.

With a Sigrid powered vendor assessment you will gain insight in the complexity, risks and quality of the entire software landscape build by your vendors. Based on this scan you can immediately see if you need to take measures to drive business value.

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IT Vendor Selection

Find out who actually does what they say.

Assessing solutions as part of vendor bids for technical quality, feasibility and compliance with the documented solution will make your vendor selection process easier.

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Software Contracting

Easy vendor management through explicit contract requirements.

There are always high expectations for the solution's quality. But quality is rarely explicitly defined in contracts. Implicit quality requirements leads to difficult conversations when problems are already there. With better software contracting, you can avoid them entirely.

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IT Vendor Monitoring

You cannot control what you don't measure.

Continuously monitor your vendor's software solution on software build quality and security to ensure you are investing in future fit software.

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Ensure your expectations are met by opening up the black box

Sigrid scans and objectively analyses the software code and architecture of the vendor's software solution, so you can create transparency and an opening for better collaboration with your vendor, driving business value for both parties.


Objective measurement of the software offers transparency and enables better collaboration.


Customization is nice to have, but hard to upgrade. Does your vendor have this under control?


Can the solution be easily integrated into your landscape? Does it have a good API?

Build quality

Are you getting what you paid for? Can the vendor keep up with the development speed?


Security cannot be an afterthought. Is the code secure by design?


Is testing under control or will you encounter unwanted surprises?

Our Clients.

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