2019 SIG Symposium

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2019 SIG Symposium

In this Fireside Chat, we are excited to have Antonin Faury, Corporate Development Executive at Wolters Kluwer, a seasoned expert with over a decade of experience in M&A and Jasper Geurts, Managing Director – Americas at Software Improvement Group, who will share their extensive experience and insights on the role of technology in M&As and the importance of technology due diligence before investing. 


Discussion Points: 

  • Overview of current M&A trends, challenges, and opportunities. 
  • Influence of technology on M&A and company growth over the past decade. 
  • How technology due diligence helps avoid investment blunders. 
  • Practical examples of risks uncovered and unexpected value adds from code analysis
  • Considerations before making investments in AI
  • Q&A – 10 Mins


Join us to gain valuable insights from these seasoned experts and ensure successful and informed transactions in the dynamic world of M&A. This session is a must-attend for M&A professionals, investors, legal experts, and technology enthusiasts. 


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