2021 SIG Benchmark Report
The trends shaping the global software industry in a post-pandemic world
The third annual SIG Benchmark Report presents the clearest picture of the state of the software industry, based on nearly 50 billion lines of code across 280+ languages taken from 6,000 system inspections.
2021 Benchmark Report
Key findings include:
Less code created during the pandemic, but at higher average build quality level
Developers report drop in productivity, job performance due to remote working
Massive impact of technical debt on software maintenance costs
The Industrial Transportation industry leads the pack in building sustainable software
While average coding effort has decreased throughout the pandemic, the overall build quality of software continued an upward trend across all major industries and technology stacks.
In a new study by SIG and Leiden University on how the pandemic has affected software practitioners, the number of developers who reported they weren’t productive for at least some of their time has more than doubled to 60%. Furthermore, developers reported working less carefully and with less concentration.
The report includes an analysis which shows that identifying and renovating only high-ROI systems can make the difference between saving 12% on costs or spending 20% more.
The report includes an annual Software Build Quality ranking by industry of 12 major sectors, showing which are best positioned for the post-pandemic digital world.