You would never purchase a home or a car without first having a certified expert examine its quality and maintainability. Yet few M&A targets undergo in-depth IT Due Diligence – even when technology is the core value proposition of the investment.
Request the replayA Better Approach to IT Due Diligence
Dive a level deeper to identify hidden risks and opportunities
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Are your M&A teams looking closely enough at the complex software assets that run the target company? Or are you investing in a black box?
In this webinar, Jasper Geurts, VP of Delivery US at Software Improvement Group (SIG), will walk you through highlights from a (sample) IT Due Diligence report to show how hidden risks are identified through a formal, ISO-certified, fact-based process:
Is the technology fit-for-purpose and can it scale to support growth ambitions?
Are there hidden risks (or opportunities) related to source code, architecture, security, integration, or human capital that could increase costs or delay roadmaps?
How can increased knowledge of these risks and opportunities strengthen your negotiating position?
Our featured speaker
Jasper Geurts
Managing Director of SIG Americas
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