Independent report recognizes the practice of retaining high quality standards in agile outsourcing; cites SIG monitoring software

Software Improvement Group

In this article​

In Best Practices: Co-Creating With Agile Development Service Providers, Forrester analysts Duncan Jones and Christopher Condo provide Application Development & Delivery (AD&D) professionals with a number of best practices when turning to agile outsourcing to accelerate their modern application delivery.

One such practice includes effective collaboration between AD&D and Procurement departments, urging Procurement professionals to establish and maintain high software quality standards with the vendor.

The report goes on to describe the impact delivered by the SIG monitoring software in raising the quality of supplier output, with an example taken directly from an interview between Forrester and an SIG client. Jones and Condo write:
One AD&D leader told us that he used monitoring software from Software Improvement Group (SIG) to regain control over the quality of his software supplier’s output. He included SIG’s metrics within the contract’s SLA, which has led to the delivered code being more efficient and maintainable.”

Drawing from its 15 years of experience in code quality analysis as well as the industry’s largest benchmark containing more than 10 billions lines of code, SIG helps organizations derive maximum value for the investment made in both their internal and external software development efforts.

The SIG laboratory is governed by the Quality Management System as required by the ISO/IEC 17025 international standard for testing and calibration laboratories. SIG is the only organisation in the world certified by TÜViT for Trusted Product Maintainability.

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