Dunea | PLCs source code analyzed in unique project

Aerial view of a red cargo ship in a waterway with a shoreline and port facilities in the background.

Drinking water company Dunea produces and supplies drinking water to 1.3 million customers in the western part of South Holland province. The dunes between Monster and Katwijk are vital for the production of drinking water and as recreational area for one million visitors each year.

Dunea manages these dunes with utmost care and is one of the initiators of the Holland Dunes National Park. Its partner SIG recently analyzed the software that Dunea uses to control ABB drives. This analysis resulted in new insights in the area of sustainability, a theme that is high on the agenda of both Dunea and ABB.

Read the entire story (PDF) >

This article has been published in ABB’s magazine ‘EtCetera’.

“The lessons that we learn here enable us to make improvements with every upgrade.”
Alex Huisman, Dunea Process Automation

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