Software Improvement Group’s Software Assurance-platform; Sigrid® er nu tilgængelig gennem SKI’s 02.06 rammeaftale

Den offentlige sektor i Danmark får nu lettere adgang til at forbedre kvaliteten i deres software via Software Improvement Group (SIG) med det klare formål at reducere vedligeholdelses-omkostninger, håndtere sikkerhedstrusler, eksponere skjulte risici og forbedre agiliteten i deres applikationer.

KØBENHAVN, den. 2. juni 2021 – Software Improvement Group (SIG) annoncerede i dag, at de er valgt som udbyder på SKIs (Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice A/S) rammeaftale til at levere sin løsning inden for software assurance til den offentlige sektor i Danmark.

Med SKI-aftalen i hånden kan den offentlige sektor i Danmark nu købe Sigrid® software assurance-platformen og tilknyttede rådgivningstjenester i henhold til kravene om udbud – uden at udføre langvarige og dyre indkøbsprocesser.

Sigrid kombinerer kodeanalyse baseret på ISO 25010 (Software produkt kvalitet) med SIG-konsulenternes ekspertise til at komplementere platformens kontinuerlige monitorering af byggekvaliteten i software, herunder arkitektur, vedligeholdelsesgraden, sikkerhed og agilitet. Platformen gør det muligt, at have én kilde til information om kvalitet og risici i applikationsporteføljen, således at CIO'en, produkt-ejeren, arkitekten og udvikleren har samme grundlag at arbejde med - og samarbejde ud fra. I samspillet mellem Sigrid og SIG’s konsulenter prioriteres anbefalinger til en indsats, som vil have den største indvirken på de ønskede forbedringer.

Luc Brandts, CEO i SIG: “Da Sigrid og de relaterede konsulenttjenester nu kan indkøbes gennem SKI, har den danske offentlige sektor nu bedre adgang til de bedste løsninger inden for software assurance på markedet. Bevidstheden om hvor vigtigt kvaliteten af software er inden for den danske offentlige sektor bliver hele tiden større, og vi ser frem til at kunne understøtte behovene som SKI-leverandør.”

For yderligere oplysninger om SIG og Sigrid platformen, kontakt venligst:

John Nedergaard
Director of Sales & Business Development, Nordics
Software Improvement Group (SIG)
M: +45 4139 8449


Software Improvement Group (SIG) hjælper organisationer med at kunne stole på den teknologi, de er afhængige af. Vi kombinerer vores intelligente teknologi med vores menneskelige ekspertise for at grave dybt ned i byggekvaliteten af software og benchmarke den mod verdens største software-analysedatabase.

SIG’s software analyselaboratorie er det eneste i verden, der er akkrediteret i henhold til ISO/IEC 17025 til analyser af softwarekvalitet. SIG blev grundlagt i 2000 og har hovedkontor i Amsterdam med kontorer i New York, København, Antwerpen og Frankfurt.

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SIG M&A Software Analysis Reveals Concerning Trends In Software Quality

NEW YORK, NY, USA, June 10, 2024

Software Improvement Group (SIG), the leading independent institute specializing in software health analysis, has significant concerns about the quality of software involved in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Out of 531 M&A-related software projects analyzed, SIG found that the average software quality scores were significantly below the market average. This implies that companies face two times lower development efficiency and a considerably higher risk of defects and vulnerabilities.

Key findings

  • Quality Scores Below Market Average: The study revealed that software involved in these transactions often lags behind industry standards, presenting substantial risks for acquirers.
  • High Technical Debt: On average, technical debt constitutes 31% of the total code volume, indicating severe underlying issues in software maintainability and scalability.
  • Informed Investment Decisions: Companies that utilized SIG’s software economics methodology were able to make strategic investments to mitigate these technical debt challenges effectively.

SIG possesses unparalleled expertise and resources to assess the build quality, scalability, and security of software assets. With the world’s largest software metrics database, encompassing an impressive 200 billion lines of code and 18,000 system inspections spanning over 300 technologies, SIG provides comprehensive evaluations that stand as a testament to our unwavering dedication to creating a healthier digital world.

Luc Brands, CEO of Software Improvement Group: “At SIG, we believe private equity firms are not as in control as they could and should be. Through software economics, we ensure thorough code analysis, benchmarking, architecture investigation, and cost modeling. This approach guarantees clarity regarding the true scalability of acquired assets.”

To further facilitate this conversation, Software Improvement Group and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) will be hosting a webinar titled “Software Economics for Private Equity: How to Evaluate the Quality and Value of Software Assets” on June 27th. The webinar will provide private equity companies with insights into the importance of software asset valuation. Private equity firms are invited to join the webinar to gain valuable knowledge and insights from industry experts.

In conclusion, software assets represent a significant opportunity for private equity firms to drive value creation. By embracing advanced software economics and leveraging SIG’s expertise, private equity firms can make informed decisions that maximize returns and mitigate risks in their software investments.

For more information about SIG and to register for the upcoming webinar, please visit Software Improvement Group’s webinar page.

For the full report, visit the benchmark report.

About SIG
Software Improvement Group (SIG) leads in traditional and AI software quality assurance, empowering businesses and governments worldwide to drive success with reliable and robust IT systems. Sigrid® – its software excellence platform – analyzes the world’s largest benchmark database of over 200 billion lines of code across more than 18,000 systems in 300+ technologies, and intelligently recommends the most crucial initiatives for organizations. SIG complies with multiple ISO/IEC standards, including ISO/IEC 27001 and 17025, and has co-developed ISO/IEC 5338, the new global standard for AI lifecycle management.
SIG was founded in 2000 and has offices in New York, Copenhagen, Brussels, and Frankfurt, and is headquartered in Amsterdam.

Sigrid®, together with expert consultants, and nearly 25 years of industry-leading research, position Software Improvement Group as the foremost authority on software excellence.

For more information, please visit Software Improvement Group’s website or social media channels.

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